Dead Sea Mud

Dead Sea Mud

Dead Sea Mud. The thermal baths of the Dead Sea are contemporary to Great King Solomon. Their reputation of efficacy spread throughout the Antique world. Cleopatra imported salts from the Dead Sea for her beauty care. The Dead Sea is situated 400 meters below sea level. The water of the rivers that flow into it cannot flow out. It concentrates, evaporates, then progressively deposits treasures such as mineral salts and organic sediments eroded from the Judean Mounts. The salinity of the Dead Sea is thus 10 times higher than that of any other sea. Today, many countries encourage their citizens suffering from psoriasis or arthritis to make a stay at the thermal baths of the Dead Sea as the mud and salts bring relief from these distressing conditions. The much sought-after salts and mud are also quite famous for their remineralizing and purifying properties. The mud is highly recommended for seborrheic skin or skin suffering from acne, and Dead Sea mud is very efficient for skin care, to deep cleanse and also to be used to relieve painful joints. The black mud, rich in minerals, is composed of layers of clay sediments constituted as millennia passed. The concentration in minerals is high. The mud contains natural exfoliating agents with an action that purifies and tones the skin. As a result, the skin is more supple and smoother. In a mask, the mud can be used to balance and smooth the skin. The skin is cleaned in depth and as a result ends up nourished and better hydrated. In scrubs, it provides a light lifting to leave the skin fresh and revitalized. On the hair, in a mask or in a shampoo, it is used to clean the hair, get rid of excess sebum and rebalance the scalp. In products designed for body, it is said to favor cellular exchanges and slimming and helps to improve the elasticity of the skin. As the figure gets thinner, the skin breathes. Ideal for anti-stress cures or after birth, around the joints and to relieve pains. The salts of the Dead Sea bring a calming and relaxing effect. In a bath, they enable the body to feel well and are an ideal solution for body tiredness, muscular or nervous tension. In cosmetics, the salts purify, cleanse and remineralize the skin for a progressive come back to a healthy and supple aspect. Their beneficial aspect is furthermore improved when associated with warm applications of Dead Sea mud.

Source: Dweck, Anthony. Handbook of Natural Ingredients (Dweck Books 4)