
We manage the entire product development process.

In the process of cosmetics product development, we need to carry out numerous activities simultaneously to ensure the entire product line is completed on time. You can find a detailed description of the entire process in the Gantt chart below.

Full service

The comprehensive service we offer covers the entire development process. We are flexible with projects and adapt based on client needs. The project can be supplemented with additional development-related activities according to your requirements, such as obtaining certifications, facility planning, marketing activities, or other extra processes.

Project management

Unlike our competitors, we do not just offer product development, manufacturing, or packaging. Instead, we work closely with our clients in a collaborative manner. Throughout the process, we become part of your team and guide you through the product development process. Our unique project management service assists you every step of the way.


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Fill in the project questionnaire

This helps us to get to know you and your project better and to directly put together the right team for you. The questionnaire is especially helpful if you already have concrete ideas.

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Book a 30 minute free consultation with one of the founders.