Colipa is the European trade association for cosmetic and personal care industry. Colipa represents the cosmetic industry at a national level where the association represents cosmetic and personal care manufacturers across Europe and beyond. The association represents a range number of innovative companies either directly or at national membership.
The need to have a product that is safe for the targeted group is important to both the producers and the consumers at large. Moreover, abiding by the set legislation in Europe requires that an umbrella body should be present to ensure quality. Individuals also like certified products that they feel safe when they use them. Over the last 50 years, Colipa has taken it on their shoulder it ensure consumers get the best product available on the market. During this period the organization has been the voice of cosmetic and personal care industry in Europe.
The association follows regulations set at the European level. As such the association in collaboration with other policymakers, it also makes sure that European regulation is as effective and appropriate as it could be. This makes our regulatory process understanding be not comparable to any other.