Bamboo Silica

Bamboo Silica

Bamboo Silica is one of the natural sources of plant silica. Lessonia has Bamboo 200, 500, 1000 and Bamboo 100. Bamboo Exfoliator is a solidified organic silica extracted from the nodes of specific bamboo stems, called tabasheer in the traditional Indian medicine. Bamboo 100 is especially ideal for microdermabrasion since it improves skin refinement and complexion clearness. Another exfoliant based on bamboo silica is available from Libiol. The bamboo exfoliant is obtained from the bamboo tabasheer stems collected in the form of an exudate that crystallizes at ambient temperature. The product is presented in the form of a very hard white mass. After crushing, one obtains a crystalline powder very rich in mineral salt. It is a source of silica (SiO2) since this particular variety of bamboo contains nearly 70% of it among the other minerals found. The bamboo exfoliant is particularly interesting for the manufacture of exfoliating creams or gels to remove the dead cells and debris from the skin surface. Bamboosilk from Naturactiva. Certain female bamboo contain a white secretion in their joints called tabasheer. It consists almost of pure hydrated silica and has been used in Indian phytotherapy for its remineralizing properties in treatment of arthritis, osteoporosis, and for strengthening hair and nails. Eastern medicinal tradition describes Tabasheer as alkaline, cold in nature and sweet in taste. It is considered as an aphrodisiac and tonic in China where it is called tian zhu huang. Bamboosilk imparts to powder formulations a variety of properties that include: a high sebum absorption capacity, a mattifying aspect and a silky smooth feel. It also helps to improve the ease of application and the spreadability for body lotions, absorbs excessive perspiration, reduces lipstick exudation, adds volume in mascaras and improves nail polish wear.

Source: Dweck, Anthony. Handbook of Natural Ingredients (Dweck Books 4)